Reading Corner GIF

It can be daunting to pull together a whole room for your sweet babe all in one shot. Sometimes it's easier to start with just a corner...and what better than a reading corner?! Today I'm sharing 4 winning combos to create a little reading area in your own home. All you need is six key items; a lamp, a chair, a pouf, a softie, a rug and a pillow! Having a space that feels pulled together and cohesive is a sure way to feel great in your space whatever your style. Just add some books and a little one to read with and let the memory making begin! 

1. GORGEOUS GLAM - A bold colour and some gold metallic is a sure way to make a big impact in a small space. I love how this would easily work in a grown up living area too. 

Gorgeous Glam nursery reading corner

Lamp // chair // pouf // softie // rug // pillow

2. MODERN WHIMSICAL - Soft and sweet and perfect for that little girl nursery or toddler room. I love how just a few soft accessories can create a whimsical feel without having to invest in serious furniture pieces.

Modern Whimsical Children's Room Design

Lamp // chair // pouf // softie // rug // pillow

3. COZY COUNTRY - This is really modern country at best. I love how the texture of the lamp and the cushion give a more rustic feel. This is another one that would blend perfectly on a stair landing or in the corner of the living room.

Cozy Country Children's Interior Design board

Lamp // chair // pouf // softie // rug // pillow

4. SIMPLE MODERN - Always a winner and perfectly gender neutral, this combo is bold and fun with a little play with pattern and sleek lines. I still haven't tried this chair though and wonder how practical it is for a baby.

Simple Modern Kids Interior Design

Lamp // chair // pouf // softie // rug // pillow

So, what do you think? Are you a lover of modern or do you favour the warmth and cozy factor of the country look? What is your favourite? Happy Friday friends!

Have you entered this week's GIVEAWAY? It closes tonight!


