"Reading aloud to young children is not only one of the best activities to stimulate language and cognitive skills; it also builds motivation, curiosity, and memory."

Bardige, B. Talk to Me, Baby!(2009), Paul H Brookes Pub Co.

1. Make reading fun: Reading should be fun! Sing through a book, visit the library, create a game, have your children make up the story. The words and pictures in books are the starting point - how you engage and bring the book to life is entirely up to you. We love using silly voices to portray characters or skipping the odd word and letting the kids fill them in. Use your imagination and let the little ones see you having fun too.

2. Make books relevant: Have you recently been through a change? Moving? A new baby in the house? Toilet training? School? We are so very lucky to have the range and selection of books on every topic available in multiple languages. We love introducing change through books.

3. Make books accessible: Hello book walls! Nurseries, kids rooms and play rooms all present the perfect opportunity to put books front and centre for children. Pick a central place in the home to store books and allow the little ones to have free access to read. I especially love book walls and book shelves with various heights to store everyday books on the bottom shelves and special books up high. 

4. Make reading a time for bonding: Although we love to read to our children throughout the day, the consistent daily reading time in our home occurs at bedtime. We let our kids pick 2-3 books each and we all sit together to read. I read, their Dad reads and now our 3 year olds are reading to each other and us too. Story time is such a precious time together and one of my most favourite parts of every day.

5. Make books a reward: We tell our kids that books are a treat. It's true! For good behaviour, birthdays, seasonal holidays,  try giving books! Our children love choosing books to give their friends and when our parents ask what the kids could use for birthdays and holidays, we always encourage books. It is a gift that continues to give long after the pages are closed. 

I love, love, love getting new book recommendations for our children. What are some of the most loved books in your house?

WINTER*DAISY interiors for children


Sneak peak!!

I am excited to let you know that my second room is in progress!!! I am so looking forward to sharing a new design with you all and simply can't wait to see how my little client likes his new space. To give you a taste of what's to come, here is the design board for little Hudson's new room.